Frequently Asked Questions
Yes, xmCHART can be used in conjunction with FileMaker Go by using the script step Perform Script On Server. A small example database xmPerformScriptOnServer.fmp12 can be found as part of the download package.
Yes, xmCHART can also be easily linked with FileMaker Pro Runtime solutions. For this purpose, make a folder named Extensions within the folder which contains the FileMaker Pro files for your runtime solution. Then copy xmCHART into this folder.
Please note that the ability to create runtime solutions has been discontinued in FileMaker Pro 19.
Texts are to be placed in double quotes ("). Double quotes entered inside FileMaker’s Specify Calculation dialog box should be prefixed by a backslash (\"). Further information can be found in Texts.
As a general rule, to get good looking drawings for the screen make sure that FileMaker does not rescale the image created in xmCHART. So, most important, the size of the FileMaker container field must be identical with the width and height in xmCHART’s OpenDrawing() function. Take the padding values (in FileMaker Layout Mode: Inspector > Appearance > Advanced Graphic > Padding) properly into account when calculating the drawing size or set padding to 0. Set the container format (in FileMaker Layout Mode: Inspector > Data > Data Formatting > Format) to "Reduce image to fit". See also Export to FileMaker.

The output quality is controlled by using the third argument resolution in the function OpenDrawing(). Set resolution = print to output a high resolution image. For further information, please refer to Export to FileMaker.
Yes. Please refer to Recommended Order of Function Calls.
For a transparent background make sure to checkmark "Preserve PDF transparency" in FileMaker Layout Mode: Inspector > Data > Data Formatting.

If your question is not answered here, please send an email to or use our online form.
In order to answer your questions quickly and efficiently, please take the following points into account:
- Many inquiries are more easy to understand when pictures are attached. They can either be sketches or screen shots.
- For inquiries that concretely refer to xmCHART functions, it would be useful to attach a listing of the functions used — simply by copying and pasting them into the mail. This generally simplifies and accelerates the search for a suitable solution.
NOTE: To reproduce the problem we need the xmCHART script without references to FileMaker fields or Custom Function calls. To do so, create a FileMaker calculation field (with calculation result: Text), then copy and paste your xmCHART script into the calculation field and — important — remove xmCH_DrawChart(). The calculation field will return the plain xmCHART script without references. - If reporting a bug, please provide the xmCHART script that is causing the error along with the error message. Furthermore, the xmCHART version, the FileMaker version and OS version.
- Technical support is offered in English and German.