AddArrow ( xStart ; yStart ; xEnd ; yEnd ; lineStroke ; lineColor ; lineColorVariant ; headLocation ; headLength ; headWidth ; headIndent ; hasHollowHead ; shadowEffect ; shadowColor )
Argument | Type | Range | Default | Note |
xStart | num | -inf..+inf | (required) | |
yStart | num | -inf..+inf | (required) | |
xEnd | num | -inf..+inf | (required) | |
yEnd | num | -inf..+inf | (required) | |
lineStroke | num[] | 0..1000 | 1 | Dimension:[pt] |
lineColor | rgba | 0..255 | black | |
lineColorVariant | int | -1..128 | solid | |
headLocation | int | 0..3 | end | |
headLength | num | 0..1000 | 16 | Dimension:[pt] |
headWidth | num | 0..1000 | 8 | Dimension:[pt] |
headIndent | num | -1000..1000 | 0 | Dimension:[pt] |
hasHollowHead | int | 0..1 | off | |
shadowEffect | num[] | -1000..1000 | 0 | |
shadowColor | rgba | 0..255 | #888a |
The AddArrow() function makes it possible to draw arrows whose stroke (thickness, dash pattern), color, shadow and heads can be varied. Moreover, by using the argument headLocation, the arrowhead can be positioned on the end (default), at the beginning or on both of them.
| ADD_ARROW_01 |
1 | OpenDrawing(140;140) |
2 | |
3 | |
4 | AddArrow(20; 70;120; 70;1;steelBlue;;end;10;10;10) |
5 | |
6 | |
7 |