Argument | Type | Range | Default | Note |
left | num | -inf..+inf | (required) | |
top | num | -inf..+inf | (required) | |
width | num | 0..inf | (required) | |
height | num | 0..inf | (required) | |
text | str | 2..13 | (required) | Max. 13 digits |
color | rgba | 0..255 | black |
BarcodeEAN(10;10;200;50;"0123456") /* EAN-8 checksum digit is automatically added. */
BarcodeEAN(10;10;200;50;"01234565") /* EAN-8 with checksum digit (5). */
BarcodeEAN(20;20;200;50;"365224171377") /* EAN-13 checksum digit is automatically added. */
BarcodeEAN(20;20;200;50;"3652241713774") /* EAN-13 with checksum digit (4). */
The BarcodeEAN() function makes it possible to create EAN-8, EAN-13 barcodes and accepts code with and without checksum digit. The EAN-5 and EAN-2 add-on codes are only used in addition to EAN-8 and EAN-13.
1 | /* Note: Using a high print resolution is recommended for all types of barcodes. */ |
2 | OpenDrawing(240;100;print) |
3 | BarcodeEAN(20;10;200;80;"5901234123457") |
4 |
1 | /* Note: Using a high print resolution is recommended for all types of barcodes. */ |
2 | OpenDrawing(240;100;print) |
3 | BarcodeEAN(20;10;200;80;"5901234123457") |
4 | AddText(7;95;"5";Verdana;15) |
5 | AddRect(26;80;90;20;#fafbfe) |
6 | AddText(30;95;"9 0 1 2 3 4";Verdana;15) |
7 | AddRect(123;80;90;20;#fafbfe) |
8 | AddText(127;95;"1 2 3 4 5 7";Verdana;15) |
9 | AddText(223;95;">";Verdana;15) |
10 |
1 | /* Note: Using a high print resolution is recommended for all types of barcodes. */ |
2 | OpenDrawing(140;270;print) |
3 | OpenView(-50;80;240;110;-90) /* Requires xmCHART 5 or higher. */ |
4 | BarcodeEAN(20;10;200;80;"5901234123457") |
5 | AddText(7;95;"5";Verdana;15) |
6 | AddRect(26;80;90;20;#fafbfe) |
7 | AddText(30;95;"9 0 1 2 3 4";Verdana;15) |
8 | AddRect(123;80;90;20;#fafbfe) |
9 | AddText(127;95;"1 2 3 4 5 7";Verdana;15) |
10 | AddText(223;95;">";Verdana;15) |
11 | /* Background(none;;0.25) // Uncomment while positioning the barcode. */ |
12 | |
13 | /* Background() // Uncomment while positioning the barcode. */ |
14 |
1 | /* EAN-13 + EAN-5 */ |
2 | /* Using a high resolution, e.g "print" is recommended for all types of barcodes. */ |
3 | OpenDrawing(330;160;print) |
4 | /* EAN-13 */ |
5 | BarcodeEAN(20;20;200;120;"9781565924796") |
6 | AddText(7;145;"9";Verdana;15) |
7 | |
8 | AddText(30;145;"7 8 1 5 6 5";Verdana;15) |
9 | |
10 | AddText(127;145;"9 2 4 7 9 6";Verdana;15) |
11 | /* EAN-5 */ |
12 | BarcodeEAN(235;40;80;100;"54495") /* xmCHART 5.0.7 or higher required. */ |
13 | AddText(240;35;"5 4 4 9 5";Verdana;15) |
14 | Background(white;;0) |
15 |
1 | /* EAN-13 + EAN-2 */ |
2 | /* Using a high resolution, e.g "print" is recommended for all types of barcodes. */ |
3 | OpenDrawing(280;160;print) |
4 | /* EAN-13 */ |
5 | BarcodeEAN(20;20;200;120;"9781565924796") |
6 | AddText(7;145;"9";Verdana;15) |
7 | |
8 | AddText(30;145;"7 8 1 5 6 5";Verdana;15) |
9 | |
10 | AddText(127;145;"9 2 4 7 9 6";Verdana;15) |
11 | /* EAN-2 */ |
12 | BarcodeEAN(235;40;30;100;"05") /* xmCHART 5.0.7 or higher required. */ |
13 | AddText(240;35;"0 5";Verdana;15) |
14 | Background(white;;0) |
15 |