
ChartData ( dataSeries1 ;​ dataSeries2 ;​ . . . ;​ dataSeries10000 )

Argument Type Range Default Note
dataSeries1 num[] -inf..+inf (required)
dataSeries2 num[] -inf..+inf (required)
... num[] -inf..+inf (required)
dataSeries10000 num[] -inf..+inf (required)

ChartData(12 56 -34 67 22)

ChartData(2 3 1.32 9;​ -0.2 5 0 3 8;​ 1 4 .2)

ChartData(2025-12-31 2025-01-22;​ 2025-12-12)

ChartData(12/31/2025&14:00 12/31/2025&18:15 1/1/2025&7:53)

ChartData(7 16 11 null null 6 4 null 3)


The ChartData() function makes it possible to transfer the chart values to xmCHART. Each data series consists of a series of numbers which are separated by spaces, tabs or line feeds. Decimal numbers can be represented by a decimal point or decimal comma.
Instead of numerical data, dates and times can also be passed to ChartData(). For more details, refer to Date & Time.
Multiple data series are separated by a semicolon ";". The meaning of the individual data series in ChartData() is dependent on the chart to be drawn. For the 1-dimensional chart functions, a data series in ChartData() corresponds exactly to a chart series. For the 2-dimensional chart functions, the first data series in ChartData() contains the x values, the second data series the y values of the 1st chart series, the 3rd and 4th data series the x and y values of the 2nd chart series, etc.


ChartData(23 19 10 15 13 6 2;​ /* 1st series. */

18 12 19 24 15 15 6) /* 2nd series. */





ChartData(23 19 10 15 13 6 2;​ /* x-values. */

18 12 19 24 15 15 6) /* y-values. */




To pass incomplete series of values replace the missing values with NULL. For example:

ChartData(12 98.3 null 8 Null NULL 7.23 -0.67)

Data can be entered in transposed form, i.e. the rows and columns are switched by using ChartDataOptions(scanDirection). For examples, refer to function ChartDataOptions() .

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