LabelTexts ( seriesIndex ; text1 ; text2 ; . . . ; text10000 )
Argument | Type | Range | Default | Note |
seriesIndex | int | -1..10000 | all | |
text1 | styt | 0..1000 | "|u|" | Max. 1000 chars. |
text2 | styt | 0..1000 | "|u|" | Max. 1000 chars. |
... | styt | 0..1000 | "|u|" | Max. 1000 chars. |
text10000 | styt | 0..1000 | "|u|" | Max. 1000 chars. |
The LabelTexts() function makes it possible to assign different texts to the data points of a chart. In doing so, texts can be set up in a variety of ways.
• Text Only
Texts are to be placed in double quotes. Please note, a prefixed backslash is required when entering quotes in FileMaker's Specify Calculation dialog box. For more details refer to Texts.
1 | OpenDrawing(250;150) |
2 | ChartData(0.5555 1.61 1.2 2.365) |
3 | BarChart(label+horizontal+shadow;50) |
4 | /* Set up styles. */ |
5 | FillStyle(1;#cbdb29) |
6 | BorderStyle(1;none) |
7 | ShadowStyle(all;2 2 3) |
8 | LabelStyle(1;Verdana;10;plain;black;left;;-2;-2) |
9 | LabelTexts(1;"1st Quarter";"2nd Quarter";"3rd Quarter";"4th Quarter") |
10 | /* Set up axes. */ |
11 | ScalingOptions(y;on) /* y-scale top to bottom. */ |
12 | |
13 | AxisMajorTicks(all;0) |
14 | AxisMajorTickLabelTexts(y;"A";"B";"C";"D") |
15 | AxisMajorTickLabelOptions(y;;-3) |
16 | /* Set up grid. */ |
17 | MajorGridLineWidths(y;x;0.25) |
18 | MajorGridLineWidths(x;y;0) |
19 |
• Format Specifier
A format specifier must always be placed between two vertical bars (pipe characters), for example: "|f2|". A detailed explanation of all format specifiers, including numerous examples, can be found in Numbers and Date & Time.
1 | OpenDrawing(250;150) |
2 | ChartData(-1.5 0.024 3 1.121 1.5) |
3 | |
4 | /* Set up styles. */ |
5 | |
6 | SymbolStyle(1;circle;6;1;crimson;;white) |
7 | ShadowStyle(all;2 2 3) |
8 | LabelTexts(1;"|f2|") |
9 | |
10 | LabelBackground(1;#fffc;;0) |
11 | /* Set up axes. */ |
12 | |
13 | AxisMajorTicks(all;0) |
14 | /* Set up grid. */ |
15 | MajorGridLineWidths(x;y;0.25) |
16 | MajorGridLineWidths(y;x;0) |
17 |
• Combination of Text and Format Specifier
As an option, texts can be added before and after a format specifier.
1 | OpenDrawing(250;150) |
2 | ChartData(135 90 135) |
3 | |
4 | /* Set up styles. */ |
5 | |
6 | |
7 | |
8 | |
9 | ShadowStyle(all;2 2 3) |
10 | LabelTexts(1;"A (|u|)";"B (|u|)";"C (|u|)") |
11 | LabelStyle(1;Verdana;10;plain;black) |
12 |
On pie charts, tree maps and stacked charts such as bar charts, area charts and histograms it is also possible to represent both absolute values (default) and percentage values. This can be done by specifying two format specifiers. The first specifier defines the format of the absolute values; the second format specifier serves to format the percentage values.
1 | OpenDrawing(250;150) |
2 | ChartData(135 90 135) |
3 | |
4 | /* Set up styles. */ |
5 | |
6 | |
7 | |
8 | |
9 | ShadowStyle(all;2 2 3) |
10 | LabelTexts(1;"|u|\n(|f1|%)") |
11 | LabelStyle(1;Verdana;10;plain;black;center) |
12 |
If only the percentage values are to be represented, the output of the absolute values has to be suppressed by an empty format specifier "||".
1 | OpenDrawing(250;150) |
2 | ChartData(135 90 135) |
3 | |
4 | /* Set up styles. */ |
5 | |
6 | |
7 | |
8 | |
9 | ShadowStyle(all;2 2 3) |
10 | LabelTexts(1;"|||f1|%") |
11 | LabelStyle(1;Verdana;10;plain;black) |
12 |
1 | OpenDrawing(250;150) |
2 | ChartData(5 4 9; /* 1st series. */ |
3 | 4 5 10; /* 2nd series. */ |
4 | 2 2 12) /* 3rd series. */ |
5 | |
6 | /* Set up styles. */ |
7 | FillStyle(1;#005ca9) |
8 | FillStyle(2;#00afef) |
9 | FillStyle(3;#cbdb29) |
10 | |
11 | ShadowStyle(all;2 2 3) |
12 | LabelTexts(all;"|||f1|%") |
13 | LabelStyle(all;Verdana;10;bold;white) |
14 | LabelStyle(3;Verdana;10;plain;black) |
15 | /* Set up axes. */ |
16 | |
17 | ScalingOptions(y;on) /* y-scale top to bottom. */ |
18 | |
19 | AxisMajorTicks(all;0) |
20 | /* Set up grid. */ |
21 | MajorGridLineWidths(x;y;0) |
22 | MajorGridLineWidths(y;x;0.25) |
23 |
Texts and format specifiers are repeated periodically if the number of chart values is larger than the number of text arguments. If no specifier is entered, the default format specifier "|u|" is used. Furthermore, texts consisting of several lines are possible by inserting a line feed "\n".
For further information, e.g. styled texts, hyphenation, please refer to Texts.