Import Images
xmCHART supports the import of images, which proves useful, for example, for backgrounds. Images can be imported by using the arguments sourceType and sourceData available for the following functions:
An image source can be a file (sourceType = file) or a Base64 encoded PNG image stream (sourceType = stream). In order to achieve a high printing quality, make sure that the original size of the image is at least 2x larger than the display size of the image. For example, if the display size is 100x100 pixels, the original size of the imported image should be at least 200x200 pixels.
Import from FileMaker
An image is imported from FileMaker if the argument sourceType = stream is set. The image must be of type PNG and encoded as Base64 encoded stream, optionally prefixed with a data URI header: "data:image/png;base64,". The image stream is entered as string by using the argument sourceData.
For example:
/* Image size, for example: 1200x800 */
BackgroundPict(stream;<Base64 encoded PNG image>)
/* Image size, for example: 700x500 */
BackgroundPict(stream;<Base64 encoded PNG image>)
/* Image size, for example: 800x800 */
ChartBackgroundPict(xy;stream;<Base64 encoded PNG image>)
AddPicture(100;100;250;150;stream;\"" & Base64Encode(ContainerField) & "\")
Convert images To Base64
Encoding images to Base64 can be done by using FileMaker’s built-in Base64Encode( ) function or by using an online conversion service such as one offered by
| EXAMPLE_01 |
1 | OpenDrawing(24;24) |
2 | /* Add high resolution icon. */ |
3 | /* The original image size is 64x64 pixels. */ |
4 | AddPicture(0;0;24;24;stream;"") |
5 |

| EXAMPLE_02 |
1 | OpenDrawing(220;200) |
2 | ChartData(5 4 3 2 1) |
3 | |
4 | PictureStyle(all;stream;"";1.0) |
5 | BorderStyle(all;;0.25;0 0 0 50) |
6 | ShadowStyle(all;2 2 3) |
7 | |
8 | AxisMajorTicks(all;0) /* Hide axis ticks. */ |
9 | AxisMajorTickLabelTexts(x;"A";"B";"C";"D";"E") |
10 | MajorGridLineWidths(all;all;0.25) |
11 | |
12 | ChartBackground(xy;1 30 1 |
13 | 0.0 220 220 220 255 |
14 | 0.35 240 240 240 255 |
15 | 1.0 220 220 220 255;;0) |
16 |
Import from File
An image is imported from a file if the argument sourceType = file is set. The file name is entered as string by using the argument sourceData. Please refer to File Path Syntax for the allowed syntax for file paths. In order to be imported, images have to be in one of the following image formats:
Windows: | BMP, EMF, GIF, JPEG, PNG, TIFF |
Linux: | PNG |
For example:
AddPicture(10;10;;;file;"image.png") /* Image shown in original size. */
AddPicture(10;10;100;100;file;"image.png") /* Image scaled to 100x100. */
/* Image size, for example: 1200x800 */
/* Image size, for example: 700x500 */
ChartBackgroundPict(xy;file;"/Volumes/Macintosh HD/Users/Shared/background.pdf")
Import from Clipboard
The import from the clipboard is deprecated*. Instead, import images from a file or directly from FileMaker.
An image is imported from the clipboard if the argument sourceType is empty or sourceType = clipboard is set. The argument sourceData is ignored. For example:
AddPicture(10;10) /* Use image from clipboard, shown in original size. */
AddPicture(10;10;;;clipboard) /* Same as line above. */
It is not recommended to import images from files in a FileMaker server environment. Instead, import images directly from FileMaker by using a Base64 encoded PNG image string. Furthermore, the clipboard is not supported on FileMaker Server, FileMaker Go and FileMaker WebDirect.
Export Images
The created drawing is copied to a FileMaker container field and can optionally be exported to a file.
Export to FileMaker
xmCHART copies the created drawing as a PNG bitmap image into a FileMaker container field. The image resolution can be controlled by the 3rd argument resolution in the OpenDrawing() function. If there is no 3rd argument or resolution = screen, the drawing will be created as a PNG bitmap with a resolution optimized for screen display. That means Apple’s Retina or Windows HighDPI display resolutions, but also the current Zoom Level set in FileMaker will be properly taken into account. Examples:
OpenDrawing(800;600) /* PNG bitmap, optimized for screen display. */
OpenDrawing(800;600;screen) /* Same as OpenDrawing(800;600) */
OpenDrawing(800;600;0) /* Same as OpenDrawing(800;600) */
OpenDrawing(800;600;print) /* PNG bitmap, optimized for printing (300 dpi) */
OpenDrawing(800;600;-1) /* Same as OpenDrawing(800;600;print) */
OpenDrawing(800;600;3.5) /* High resolution PNG bitmap: 2800x2100 */
xmCHART supports image resolution factors from 0.25 (very coarse and pixelated) to 4 (high resolution). A high resolution bitmap, for example, OpenDrawing(800;600;print) is recommended for FileMaker script step Save Records As PDF or Export Field Contents and for all kind of barcodes including QR codes.
Export to File
xmCHART supports the following image formats for export:
Windows: | BMP, EMF, GIF, JPEG, PDF, PNG, SVG, TIFF, WebP |
Linux: | PDF, PNG, SVG, WebP |
Format | Description |
BMP | Huge file size (no compression), not supported in all web browsers, no transparent background. |
EMF | Windows only, no support in web browsers. |
GIF | Small file size, support in all web browsers, no transparent background, limited number of colors can cause color banding. Not recommended for graphs with color gradients and shading effects. |
JPEG | Small file size, support in all web browsers, customizable image quality, no transparent background. Recommended as a general purpose bitmap image format. |
Small file size, not supported in all web browsers. In macOS: vector-based format with editable objects and very small file size (if there are no included bitmap images) | |
PNG | Small file size, support in all web browsers. Support transparent background. Recommended as a general purpose bitmap image format. |
SVG | Very small file size (if there are no included bitmap images or bitmap patterns), support in all modern web browsers. Recommended as vector-based image format for the web. |
TIFF | Small file size, not supported in all web browsers. |
WebP | Very small file size, support in all modern web browsers. Support transparent background. |
Export as bitmap image
The following bitmap export functions are presently available:
The file name is entered as first argument, the resolution can be controlled by using the last argument. For example:
SaveAsPNGFile("chart.png") /* Export image in original size. */
SaveAsTIFFile("drawing.tif";;;2.0) /* Export image 2x larger than original size. */
SaveAsJPGFile("graph.jpg";;;max;3.5) /* Export image 3.5x larger than original size. */
SaveAsWebPFile("plot-01.webp";;;1.0;2) /* Export image 2x larger than original size in lossless quality. */
Please note that certain bitmap image formats do not support transparent backgrounds, such as GIF or JPEG. When exporting to these formats, the background color will be white in transparent areas.
Export as vector-based image
The following functions for exporting high–quality vector-based images are available:
For example:
SaveAsPDFFile("graph.pdf";;;"Graph 1";"Proceedings";"Jane Q. Doe")
SaveAsSVGFile("chart.svg";;;"Chart 1";"Proceedings";"Author: John Q. Doe")
In Windows the functions SaveAsEMFFile() and SaveAsPDFFile() output high resolution 300 dpi bitmaps.
Please refer to File Path Syntax for the allowed syntax for file paths.
Export to Clipboard
The export to the clipboard is deprecated*. Instead, use FileMaker’s built-in Copy script step.
The SendToClipboard() function has to be used when copying a drawing to the clipboard. For example:
SendToClipboard() /* macOS: PDF vector-based format, Windows: Bitmap image (1x). */
SendToClipboard(1) /* Bitmap image in original size (1x). */
SendToClipboard(2.5) /* Bitmap image 2.5x larger than original size. */
SendToClipboard(0.75) /* Bitmap image 75% of original size. */
The clipboard is not supported on FileMaker Server, FileMaker Go and FileMaker WebDirect.
File Path Syntax
Absolute File Paths
Variant 1: /users/ user_name / folder_path / file_name
Variant 2: /Volumes/ volume / folder_path / file_name
SaveAsPNGFile("/Volumes/Macintosh HD/users/john/desktop/graph123.png")
SaveAsPNGFile("/Volumes/Backup HD/graphs/graph123.png")
SaveAsPNGFile("/Volumes/Macintosh HD/Users/Shared/graph123.png")
SaveAsPDFFile("/Volumes/Macintosh HD/Library/FileMaker Server/Data/Documents/graph123.pdf")
/drive:/ folder_path / file_name
A slash in front of the drive letter is optional and can be omitted.
SaveAsPDFFile("/C:/Program Files/FileMaker/FileMaker Server/Data/Documents/graph123.pdf")
Relative File Paths
Path relative to current directory
./ folder_path / file_name
The file path is relative to the current database’s location. ./ in front of the path is optional and can be omitted.
SaveAsPNGFile("./graph123.png") /* Same as line above. */
SaveAsPNGFile("./sub_directory/graph123.png") /* Same as line above. */
SaveAsPNGFile("/sub_directory/graph123.png") /* Error: Obsolete xmCHART 3 syntax. */
Path relative to parent directories
../ folder_path / file_name
Path relative to user’s home directory
~/ folder_path / file_name
Same as:
SaveAsPNGFile("/users/jane/graphs/graph123.png") /* macOS */
SaveAsPNGFile("/C:/users/john/graphs/graph123.png") /* Windows */
SaveAsJPGFile("/Volumes/Macintosh HD/Users/Shared/plot_01.jpg";;;max) /* macOS */
SaveAsSVGFile("/Volumes/Macintosh HD/Library/FileMaker Server/Data/Documents/plot_01.svg") /* macOS */
SaveAsJPGFile("/C:/Users/Public/Documents/plot_01.jpg";;;max) /* Windows */
SaveAsSVGFile("/C:/Program Files/FileMaker/FileMaker Server/Data/Documents/plot_01.svg") /* Windows */