The basic idea behind xmCHART is to make an extensive set of functions available to users with which the general appearance of a chart can be controlled in detail.
Three functions are all you need to draw up a number of different charts: first the function OpenDrawing() defines the size of the chart, secondly the ChartData() function which contains all numerical values (or date/time values) used for representation and, thirdly, a function which determines the type of chart.
In fact, over 220 functions are available with which nearly all parts of the chart can be varied. Besides a comprehensive set of charting functions, xmCHART also offers numerous functions for creating geometric shapes or for adding texts, images, tables, barcodes, etc.
Point & Bubble Charts
- 1 and 2-dimensional.
- Over 100 symbols.
- Texts as symbols.
- Proportional bubble areas or diameters.
Line Charts
- 1 and 2-dimensional.
- Stair-step, polygonal and smooth line shapes.
- Different styles for ascending & descending line segments.
Area Charts
- 1 and 2-dimensional.
- Stacked areas, proportional areas, floating areas.
- Stair-step, polygonal and smooth border shapes.
Bar Charts
- Horizontal, vertical, circular.
- 2 and 3 dimensional bars or cylinders.
- Stacked bars, proportional bars, floating bars.
- Customizable bar ends.
Gantt Charts
- Horizontal or vertical.
- 2 and 3 dimensional bars or cylinders.
- Customizable bar ends.
Pie & Ring Charts
- 2 and 3-dimensional.
- Pies with individual radial and vertical offsets.
- Customizable pie start and arc angle.
- Smart labelling.
Polar & Radar Graphs
- Full circle, circle sector, ring.
- Symbols, lines or wedges.
- Optional radial arrows.
Financial Charts
- High-Low-Open-Close Charts.
- Candlestick Charts.
- Different colors for bullish & bearish.
Statistical Charts
- Histograms.
- Box & Whisker plots with mean, median, outliers.
- Percentile graphs with optional confidence interval.
- Quartile graphs with optional confidence interval.
Venn Diagrams
- 1, 2 and 3 area diagrams.
- Customizable overlap factor.
Error Bars
- In 1 or 2 dimensions.
- Available for scatter, line, area and bar charts.
- Standard errors, standard deviations.
- Percent or constant errors, user-defined error lists.
Trend Lines & Curve fitting
- Linear, polygonal, exponential, logarithmic, power, p-Spline.
- Optional return of curve fitting parameters.
- Force thru zero and extrapolation options.
Moving Averages
- Calculation methods: average, median, exponential.
- Alignment and extrapolation options.
- Optional list of weighting factors.
Linear Meters & Gauges
- Horizontal or vertical orientation.
- Various style themes.
- Optional markers.
Radial Gauges
- Customizable start and arc angle.
- Customizable needles and markers.
- Customizable scale background segments.
Heat Maps
- Customizable cell gaps and cell rounding.
- Various predefined color scales or custom color scale.
- Flexible color scale legend.
Tree Maps
- Various predefined color scales or custom color scale.
- Optional labels showing absolute and relative (percent) values.
Contour Plots
- Rectangular grid with optional margin.
- Customizable contour line styles.
- Customizable contour line smoothing.
Density Plots
- Rectangular grid with optional margin.
- Various predefined color scales or custom color scale.
- Flexible color scale legend.
- Customizable cell text styles, borders and backgrounds.
- Customizable row heights and column widths.
- Customizable row and column alignments.
- Cell texts with line breaks.
- Alternate backgrounds.
- Text block with an optional symbol or image.
- Flexible arrangement of text and image.
- Barcode 128
- Barcode 39
- Barcode 93
- Codabar
- Barcode EAN
- Interleaved 2 of 5
- Barcode PDF417
- QR-Code
Basic Objects
- Line, Arrow, Arc, Rect, Round Rect
- Polygon, Smooth and Round Polygon
- Path, Oval, Ring, Wedge
- Text, Text along path
- Symbol, Symbols along path
- Image