Bitmap Patterns
Presently there are 128 built-in bitmap patterns to choose from which can be accessed by entering a pattern ID between 1 and 128. The pattern ID is entered by using the argument colorVariant — part of numerous xmCHART functions. For example:
Black & White Patterns
The 64 black & white patterns can be referenced by a pattern ID between 1 and 64. Several frequently used patterns can also be accessed by name. For example:
The color and transparency of the pattern can be controlled by the argument color. For example:
AddRect(10;10;200;120;red;9) /* Red dots on a white background. */
AddRect(10;10;200;120;255 0 0 100;9) /* Red dots on a translucent background. */
By using pattern ID 1 or constant transparent the fill can be suppressed. For example:
FillStyle(1;;transparent) /* Same as FillStyle(1;none) */
FillStyle(1;;1) /* Same as line above. */
| EXAMPLE_01 |
1 | OpenDrawing(200;110) |
2 | |
3 | AddRoundRect(70;30;70;70; |
4 | 12;12; /* Rounding: xRadius;yRadius */ |
5 | lightSteelBlue;21; /* Fill: color;patternID */ |
6 | 5;steelBlue;0; /* Border: width;color;colorVariant */ |
7 | 2 2 4) /* Shadow: xOffset yOffset blurRadius */ |
8 |

| EXAMPLE_02 |
1 | OpenDrawing(200;120) |
2 | |
3 | AddOval(70;30;80;80; |
4 | #4682b477;21; /* Translucent fill: colorWithAlphaValue;patternID */ |
5 | 5;steelBlue;0; /* Border: width;color;colorVariant */ |
6 | 2 2 4) /* Shadow: xOffset yOffset blurRadius */ |
7 |

| EXAMPLE_03 |
1 | OpenDrawing(200;200) |
2 | ChartData(4 7 11 19 33 50) |
3 | |
4 | BorderStyle(all;;0.5;100 100 100) |
5 | |
6 | |
7 | |
8 | |
9 | |
10 | |
11 |
Color Patterns
The 64 color patterns can be referenced by a pattern ID between 65 and 128. For example:
The transparency of the pattern can be controlled by the alpha value of the argument color. The three RGB components in color are ignored. For example:
AddRect(10;10;200;120;0 0 0 100;120)
| EXAMPLE_04 |
1 | OpenDrawing(200;110) |
2 | AddRect(10;10;100;60;;120) |
3 | AddRoundRect(70;30;70;70; |
4 | 12;12; /* Rounding: xRadius;yRadius */ |
5 | ;69; /* Fill: [color];patternID */ |
6 | 5;;125; /* Border: width;[color];patternID */ |
7 | 2 2 4) /* Shadow: xOffset yOffset blurRadius */ |
8 |

| EXAMPLE_05 |
1 | OpenDrawing(200;120) |
2 | |
3 | AddOval(70;30;80;80; |
4 | 0 0 0 80;88; /* Translucent fill: alphaValue;patternID */ |
5 | 5;;125; /* Border: width;[color];patternID */ |
6 | 2 2 4) /* Shadow: xOffset yOffset blurRadius */ |
7 |

| EXAMPLE_06 |
1 | OpenDrawing(150;150) |
2 | ChartData(9; 16; 29; 47) |
3 | |
4 | BorderStyle(all;;1;0 0 0 50) |
5 | FillStyle(1;;124) |
6 | FillStyle(2;;123) |
7 | FillStyle(3;;125) |
8 | FillStyle(4;0 0 0 200;126) |
9 | AxisOptions(all;none) /* Hide axes. */ |
10 | GridLocation(all;none) /* Hide grid. */ |
11 | ChartBackground(xy;0 0 0 80;120;1;0 0 0 20) |
12 |