
Modified in version 5.0.7

FillColorScale ( seriesIndex ;​ colorScaleID ;​ colorVariant ;​ opacity ;​ numOfColorTones ;​ referenceValueMin ;​ referenceValueMax ;​ referenceValueMid )

Argument Type Range Default Note
seriesIndex int 0..10000 all
colorScaleID int -25..25 1
colorVariant int -1..0 solid
opacity num 0..1 1
numOfColorTones int 0..100 0 0...automatic
referenceValueMin num -inf..+inf (autom.) Requires xmCHART 5.0 or higher
referenceValueMax num -inf..+inf (autom.) Requires xmCHART 5.0 or higher
referenceValueMid num -inf..+inf (autom.) Requires xmCHART 5.0.7 or higher

FillColorScale(;​2) /* Red color scale. */

FillColorScale(;​2;​;​;​5) /* Red color scale, reduced to 5 color tones. */

FillColorScale(;​2;​shaded) /* Red color scale, shaded. */

FillColorScale(;​8;​shaded) /* Rainbow color scale, shaded. */

FillColorScale(;​8;​-1;​0.5) /* Rainbow color scale, shaded, translucent. */


For more details and examples, please refer to Color Scales.

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